Because corporate earnings rebounded nicely last year, managers whose pay is tied to further increases will be under some pressure to keep the profits' momentum up.
Times Mirror is another stock Mr. King says could double in price because its earnings should rebound substantially.
You can argue that second-quarter earnings rebounded strongly.
Stock investors embraced this pronouncement as evidence that corporate earnings would soon rebound.
But earnings have rebounded strongly since then, with the company reporting a profit of $97.1 million for 1988.
Mr. Bissell, however, expects earnings to rebound this year to $6.75 a share, an aggressive target.
Although the market has recovered nicely from its brush with the bear last fall, corporate earnings have not rebounded nearly as much.
But he forecasts that earnings will rebound, to $4.50 a share next year, as the economy improves.
After losses in 1982 and 1984, Fannie Mae's earnings rebounded to $183 million in 1986.
She said that apparel companies' earnings typically rebounded one or two quarters after recovery in retailing.