Shifting to 2002, the difference grows vast: earnings adjusted for the funny stuff were 41 percent less than the profits reported to investors.
In thirty-eight years, the annual earnings of the typical male worker, adjusted to 2010 dollars, have risen by $165, or $3.17 a week.
Net earnings per share, adjusted for a two-for-one split in September, fell 8% to $0.34.
Mr. Kupa said next year's average earnings, adjusted for tax purposes, will amount to $1,630.
The teachers' earnings, adjusted to allow for inflation, have fallen by 27 percent since 1977.
It is defined as price divided by the average of ten years of earnings, adjusted for inflation.
The 1989 average hourly earnings - adjusted for inflation - were $7.64, still below their 1981 level of $7.69.
Net earnings per share, adjusted for a 5% stock dividend paid in September 1992, rose 40% to $0.21.
Average hourly earnings of nonsupervisory workers, adjusted for inflation, are lower now than when the recovery began.
Net earnings per share, adjusted for a 5% stock dividend paid in December 1992, rose 25% to $0.15.