She earned a bachelor's degree in English and worked as a school teacher and later a university teaching assistant.
Although he worked hard and earned in 1947 a first in English, he had by then decided to give much of his time to writing.
Four years later, she earned a bachelor's degree in English with honors.
He earned a degree in English with a minor in physical education and coaching.
The school offers advanced placement courses that can earn students up to 20 college credits in English, social studies, science and math.
In addition to painting, he wrote poetry and earned his college degree in English.
Now our kids are earning the highest scores ever in math and English.
He also earned a master's degree in English and comparative literature.
I, too, would be going to school, but only two nights a week, with the hope of earning a graduate degree in English.
But he returned and earned a degree in English in 1946.