Once cards earn enough experience, the shop will transform them into a different card for a certain amount of experience points.
Players earn experience across the campaign, the competitive, and the co-operative play, all of which contribute to their overall status in the Resistance 2 community.
In a state of peace, any player can enter a map to kill mobs to earn gold and experience.
Exemplared/Malefactored characters still earn experience and have access to all powers up to 5 levels above their temporarily lower level.
As players earn experience, they level up.
While your Pokémon is walking with you, they will not only earn experience, but may also stumble across items.
In this text based game, players fight with their characters, earn experience and gold, and buy equipment.
When a player earns enough experience, they gain an additional Crafting level.
Gods of Time is a game where you can fight to earn experience, clothing, and gold.