In 2008, Logue earned a total compensation of $28,712,475 at State Street.
In 2008, he earned a total compensation of $5,717,469, which included a base salary of $3,300,000, stocks granted of $2,044,650, and other compensation of $372,819.
Although these immigrants were earning a higher compensation in Canada compared to China, they experience exclusion and occupational inequality.
In 2008, he earned a total compensation of $1,235,097, which included a base salary of $800,000 and other compensation of $435,097.
One of the companies later agreed on a settlement which earned the European Union a compensation of around 1 billion Euros.
An employee earning a guaranteed monthly compensation of $2,000 or more is exempt from the State minimum wage and overtime law.
In 2009, he earned a total compensation of $32,171.00 accepting no salary, bonus, or stock options.
In 2008, he earned a total compensation of $38,237,437, which included a base salary of $958,333, stocks granted of $28,830,000, and options granted of $8,432,911.
At this time, Schultz was earning a total compensation of $9,740,471, which included a base salary of $1,190,000, and options granted of $7,786,105.
In 2007 and 2008, he earned a total compensation of $175,000, which included a base salary of just $100,000.