As with European early-music groups, there is room for speculation about authenticity.
The superb West German early-music group in a program of 18th-century German instrumental music.
New York should be a star place for early-music groups to perform, and it is.
So far this tide has brought in several early-music groups, and there are orchestras and opera companies in the offing.
Despite the resurgence of interest in early music, many early-music groups cannot afford to perform together exclusively.
It also had the sort of proprietary confidence about the repertory that early-music groups usually possess.
This much sounds like the kind of dubious decoration university collegiums and early-music groups used to apply ad lib.
This early-music group has made artistic strides under Andrew Parrott, in his season and a half as music director.
A new early-music group makes its debut with music of Lotti and Caldara.
The best early-music groups, if not always the most commercially successful, are the ones that have found a niche in the repertory and stuck to it.