They had to move north, through the woods, for a half mile before turning east, into the early-morning sun.
The air was clear and dry with the early-morning sun lighting up the rock face so that every detail could be plainly seen.
He saw a smear of red early-morning sun in the sky.
He struck out with the early-morning sun at his back.
Now she stood under an early-morning sun so bright it made her want to sneeze.
The long, magnificent sweep of the valley lay before her, green and splendid in the early-morning sun.
Alucius glanced up, seeing a shadow coming out of the early-morning sun.
With the early-morning sun to his right, he couldn't see faces inside those helmets, only dark eye-slits.
The lake water was a deep, deep blue, cool and dark in the early-morning sun.
The early-morning sun was there, too, as if last night had never happened.