But Polish bishops felt forced to take measures against early violations, in the area of marriage legislation and property rights.
For what is most stunning is that Salomon's most egregious violations of Treasury bond auction rules came after earlier violations had been detected.
In addition, it listed nine that were allowed to reopen after correcting earlier violations.
Democrats, on the other hand, said a change in law did not excuse an earlier violation of it.
But it never cleared the two earlier violations, which it claimed were outside the board's jurisdiction, a department spokeswoman, Ilyse Fink, said.
The firms faced brief suspensions for their earlier violations.
In addition, it listed two that were allowed to reopen after correcting earlier violations and one that was closed for having failed to do so.
The U.N. did not rebuke Iraq for an earlier violation of the no-flight zone, when an Iraqi Airways jet flew pilgrims to Saudi Arabia.
There's the earlier violation of the safety review procedures.
Ms. Moloney wouldn't specify the penalties for earlier violations.