The low Reynolds number present in all early vessels means that flow can be considered creeping and laminar.
An earlier vessel named Simcoe was launched in 1909.
These early vessels had limited capability; they could float and move on water, but were not suitable for use any great distance from the shoreline.
The screws were driven directly, eliminating the gear equipment of the earlier vessel.
Most of early vessels were smaller and did not run on regular schedules.
Most of the early vessels were wood-burning steamships, fueled by wood cut from the river's shore.
On Kommandøren, the third class section was expanded and improved in comparison with earlier vessels, after complaints from passengers to the county council.
Above the waterline, the Sullivan closely resembles these earlier vessels.
The earlier Typhoon-class vessels, from which she was developed, only have twenty.
As a matter of fact, the Freedom is similar in many ways to those early vessels," commented Data.