Mr. Vaughn said records showed there was no problem with earlier vehicles.
A number of early Optare vehicles have already entered preservation.
"The early vehicles are going to cost $4,000 more than the standard models," he said.
This was used throughout the production run, being fitted to both the earliest vehicles and to the last batches built.
The M113 bore a very strong resemblance to both of these earlier vehicles.
These later models have mostly been earlier German vehicles, with a focus on micro-cars.
D-8 (Dyrenkov-8) was an early Soviet armored vehicle built in 1932-34.
Thus, another means of combating these early armored vehicles needed to be found.
The two vehicles are unrelated although the name of the current truck may have been derived from the earlier vehicle.
The social networking website Facebook served as an early vehicle for organizing action against the government.