He underwent arthroscopic surgery on the same knee on Nov. 17 and missed 12 games during an earlier stay on the injured list.
The Mughal architecture of the monument had inspired him during his earlier stay (between 1882-1887) in Lahore.
During his earlier stay at Devilsgate Manor, Caris had made mental notes of the layout and approaches to the grounds.
During his early stays in the city he used it as royal residence and received guests here.
The corset differed from the earlier stays in numerous ways.
But my nights of counting hangers and sleeping in five minimum-service motels, plus earlier stays in other chains, added up to a surprise for me.
On an earlier stay, he had been arrested 12 times for misdemeanors like public drunkenness, panhandling and theft.
The doctors who had treated him during his earlier stay on the planet were all there.
The early stay of the English was spent in subduing the Paharias.
Old Father Aragon, whom Gordon knew well from his earlier stays, invited us into the vestry for a glass of tequila.