An additional problem associated with precipitation is the difficulty of early mechanized sowing and harvesting because of waterlogged fields.
Another reason for early sowing is its sensitivity to high temperature in spring.
There is always a risk that an early sowing will just rot, but with every week that passes the weather warms up and your chances of success increase.
Control measures may include crop rotation, the use of seed dressings, early sowing or planting and the removal of infested plants.
Vegetables: Outdoors, the early sowings of hardy crops, like lettuce and spinach, are coming up and will soon be ready for the salad bowl.
The fastest of all carrot varieties to mature, this is a highly popular variety and one of the best choices for early and late sowings.
While the row is being prepared to plant spinach, it would also make good sense to prepare the rows now for early sowing next spring of other early crops such as peas, leafy salad greens and even the early spring onions.
As a general rule it may be laid down that the earliest sowings should be on the latest soils; plants on such soils are often long before they make any great progress, and, in the end, may be far behind those in other situations, which were much later sown.
Control measures include crop rotation, the use of seed dressings, early sowing or planting, survey and removal of infested plants, and autumn digging of the ground to destroy the pupae.
And for all that, Mormons they are, but of the earlier sowing: the so-called Josephites, the followers of Joseph Smith, the opponents of Brigham Young.