Having to be more separate can, for some people, resurrect memories of earlier separations which were particularly painful for them.
Further studies have shown that a "one person, one language" approach may not be necessary for the early separation of language systems to occur.
(1) They experienced considerably more early separation from parents, primarily through psychiatric hospitalisation of the mother.
The early separation was probably due to a computer chip error which resulted from degradation of the systems during the trip to Mars.
Both species have been observed with red and gray morphs, bringing into question whether the earlier separation truly represented taxonomic distinctiveness.
She was especially interested in mother-infant duality and carefully documented the impact of early separations of children from their mothers.
Mary had not been a cripple during earlier separations; the war had cost her what was left of her health.
Further dissonances led to an early separation.
Their language is Polynesian, though it has changed so radically as to indicate an early separation from the home culture and centuries of isolation.
Later, however, he conceded that this attempt had been unsuccessful, and his earlier rigorous separation of science and ideology misguided.