But I should be false to the earliest sentiments of my soul, if I sup- pressed the opinion.
Today's vote closely resembles that earlier sentiment simply to put the matter aside.
When Kira demands to know why, the Bajoran echoes her earlier sentiment: being a Cardassian is reason enough.
Notwithstanding my earlier sentiments, I'm very grateful to you, Mr. Redman, for coming to our aid.
(This contradicts her earlier sentiments, that Richard was getting in way over his head).
But his girlfriend, Destiny Gonzalez, 18, of Brooklyn, echoed those earlier sentiments, saying that while he had a bad temper, he was no killer.
A week later, Brodess died, and Tubman expressed regret for her earlier sentiments.
It is always risky to evaluate a draft before the players take the field, but early sentiment pointed to the Ravens as the savviest first-round shoppers.
"I need to have a talk with you," Randy repeated his earlier sentiments.