Serge gained his earliest prominence as a member of Woody Herman's second herd also known as the Four Brothers.
Earlier scholars traced the origin of the name from the word "knowledge" in Irish, possible linked to the family's early prominence as bards to the Gaelic Kings.
The Star achieved early prominence and high circulation by sensationalising the Whitechapel murders of 1888-1891.
However, the company never regained its early prominence.
The February 9, 1933, debate brought Lewis some level of early prominence.
Mr. Gibbons's early prominence faded during more than two decades on the Ways and Means Committee, where he concentrated on complex trade issues.
Dr. Newlin's earlier prominence grew out of her studies as a teenager with the composer Arnold Schoenberg.
Thanks to the town's early prominence and wealth, it boasts an astonishing collection of early New England architecture.
Perhaps, but Johnson is insistently on the way to early prominence with superb finishing skills.
Hill attended Bishop Wordsworth's Grammar School in Salisbury, and gained early prominence as a schools international.