An earlier preoccupation with the space race and national defence had focused attention on improving the state of science education, in the USA.
This reflected his earlier preoccupation with formal values.
Its earliest preoccupation was supply-side economics.
Sorabji's early preoccupation with the occult subsided, and he became more interested in other religions, although it is not known whether he practised any.
Thematically it was considered an extension of their earlier preoccupations; death, disappearances and the Australian wilderness.
The earlier images often involve eyes and symbols and hints of animals, reflecting Pollock's early 1940's preoccupation with myth.
They took the form of letters from Old Boys working in exotic environments, and showed an early preoccupation with the fantastic.
Hill's later works showed that he continued to work within the parameters of his earlier preoccupations and consequently lost influence upon younger historians.
That journey, coupled with his early preoccupation with microscopy, directed the course of his life's work.
That's why my earlier preoccupations with food and art history are so difficult to forgive.