Although there are no early precedents for it, some sources identify her with images of a sea serpent or dragon.
Many of the more impressive works have a sense of intimacy similar to the early 70's precedents, but usually with a sly feminist twist.
There's even a knowing early precedent for what Britain's Tony Blair calls the "third way."
Many New Deal laws that would have been struck down under earlier precedents were thus upheld.
She set an early precedent as being one of the first married American women to keep her own last name along with her husband's.
These publications constituted the earliest legal precedents of the common law tradition.
The Education Department blames the Clinton administration for setting an early precedent that it is merely following today.
The decision was meant to set an early precedent in the tribunal's first trial charging rape as a war crime.
Rather than providing an early precedent, the case is highlighting the problems involved in punishing wartime crimes against women.
Ward's comrades elected him captain, one of the earliest precedents for pirates choosing their own leader.