In 1562 Norton, who had served in an earlier parliament as the representative of Gatton, became M.P. for Berwick, and entered active into politics.
Later on Thomas Embling took up the cause of the gold miners in Eureka and had a successful career in the early parliament of Victoria.
Decentralized France had a late start, and rashly attempted to get everybody into its early general parliaments (forerunners of the estates general).
As a result of the work by historians G. O. Sayles and H. G. Richardson, it is widely believed that the early parliaments had a judicial as well as a legislative function.
The different fylki had a common law, and an early parliament or thing.
A member of three of New Zealand's four earliest parliaments, he was also a philanthropist and a founder of Wellington's Botanic Garden.
To the parliament returned in October 1586 he was not re-elected, but he brought an action against the borough of Grantham for arrears of wages due to him as member in an earlier parliament.
Its gradual abandonment was due first to the difficulty of securing representatives in the early parliaments.
The small promontory at the end of Tingwall Loch, known as Tingaholm or Law Ting Holm was once home to Shetland's earliest parliament.
The earliest parliament clearly identifiable as of this character was held in 1258.