In an early life-threatening mishap, they are menaced by a computer-generated bear with a taste for cellphones.
It did get better as the match wore on, with Carragher settling down after those early mishaps.
Small reaction jets had been mounted on the wheel after an earlier mishap.
"I've been waiting," he said of the earlier mishaps.
During this time, divers were sent down to inspect the hull for any possible damage caused by the vessel's earlier mishap - none was found.
Shirley, after an early mishap, proceeds to do most of the rest of the course flawlessly, with only 13 hits in her run.
Dreher and Peterson, who were not expected to win a medal, recovered quickly after their early mishap.
In November 2008 the ship was involved in an earlier mishap.
One of the earliest mishaps occurred in the Soviet Union in 1960.
Despite an earlier mishap on pit road, Hornish was able to put himself in a position to win the race.