Rains had stiffened the early layers, but the soft dust on top led Janeway to believe it hadn't rained in a while.
From the access tunnel, a few hundred meters long, you can see earlier layers of the building.
Sometimes the more lightly applied later layers are seen skipping along the peaks and valleys of an earlier layer.
This is reflected in the findings from the earliest layer.
The earliest layer of paint uncovered by restoration is pale blue; later layers are either yellow or red.
How to stalk through a forest came from an earlier layer of memory.
During the earliest layer of history, the giant stone idol named El is created to please the earth and bring good crops.
The culture takes its name from the earliest layer found at the type site at Dadiwan.
Still earlier layers show no trace of any modern species.
The earliest layers feature large stone tools, and suggest a hunting and gathering lifestyle.