The fur trade turned out to be mutually beneficial, since the Indians received the products of early industrialization.
Tajchy not only saved the mines from being closed, but also provided energy for the early industrialization.
Their development continued in the early industrialization of Japan in the Meiji period (1868 - 1912).
Water power from the Mumford River became the lifeblood of the Center's early industrialization.
During the early industrialization and growth of America, exports produced by slaves played a huge role in making businesses the most profit.
Many geographical features weighed heavily in the area's early industrialization.
This early industrialization and the associated new economic problems associate with it led to even more of a break with the central government and culture.
The growth of the area is chiefly to be traced to the favorable communications, that promoted an early industrialization.
The year 1845 has been called the starting point of early industrialization in Norway.
The fifth-grade book traces American history from the Indians to early 20th-century industrialization.