Surf and early rock instrumental guitar is synonymous with vibrato use.
He stated that Tipton is one of his earliest guitar influences.
These earlier guitars were sometimes sold with a 'Fender 50th Anniversary' sticker on the reverse of the headstock.
The earliest guitars were made almost entirely out of wood, with some using animal intestines for strings and frets.
The earliest guitars were not designed for mass production.
The early guitars were heavily influenced by the accordion production and had a special look and feel.
This "missing link" lacks only a sixth string before resembling the distinctive early romantic guitar.
An early acoustic guitar and organ demo of the song featured a slightly different third verse:
Like earlier 10-stringed guitars, his instrument has an augmented tessitura.
Like on the earlier guitars, they're probably a bit more crisp, but there's a warmth to this, a mellowness because of the rosewood neck.