Mr. Basayev also repeated an earlier denial of any rebel involvement in terrorist bombings.
In many cases, the revelations contradicted earlier denials and all but destroyed the party's credibility.
Although Social Security disability is a federal program, most of the states provide the judges who rule on appeals, often reversing an earlier denial.
His early denials are paid for a thousand- fold.
Despite my anger and hurt and earlier denial, I could find no reason for Dworkin to lie to me.
They could not reach the agent, so ran a "very balanced" page including the rumours and an earlier denial.
The former President also repeated earlier denials of the allegations.
"I'm fine," said Troi, having obviously plucked the feeling out of her mind despite her earlier denials.
He then said that he had made a mistake in making the earlier denial.
In doing so, he overruled an earlier denial of the application by the immigration service.