Borrowing to pay for government operations was not part of the solution to New York's earlier fiscal crisis.
But he has yet to step forward - as he did last May during an earlier crisis - to take responsibility.
The confrontation, on Jan. 9, 1994, turned into an early crisis for the Giuliani administration.
At age 26 he had what he calls "an early midlife crisis".
The drama is set in Buenos Aires during the early 2000s economic crisis.
Spending on education remained high in spite of the earlier crisis.
Guy from Fight Club experienced more or less the same early mid-life crisis.
But in the earlier crisis the city was shut out of the bond market and could not e find cash to pay its bills.
A new cold-blast process was successfully introduced here and, despite some early crises, the works prospered.
However, a number of things have changed in comparison with the earlier crisis.