His earliest known credit was for a 1912 adaptation of Ivanhoe.
Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson received an early credit for his work providing special effects for the series.
This credit replaces an earlier credit for EVs purchased in 2009.
In early credits he was shown as "Ted Pierce".
The film has been denounced as "materialistic" because one of its early credits displays the phrase "God doesn't exist".
Tentative earlier credits exist, but because it was not standard practice during this period to list complete writer/artist comic-book credits, confirmation is difficult.
It was an early credit for later film director John Farrow.
One of her earliest credits was a silent serial, Bar C Mystery (1926).
His early credits are those of a television and film actor.
Ford acted in over 400 films altogether, with many of his early credits poorly-documented and likely lost.