One early creation, Radio Wave, is supposed to transmit himself through the air in his quest to right injustice.
It's perhaps most noticeable in artworks that are little but recyclings or comments on earlier creations.
It is not known if these early creations were hereditary but all seem to have died out.
Woman in White was another early creation, and one of the first serials to focus on the internal workings of a hospital.
Many inferior early creations had been destroyed during the initial trials, but those were acceptable losses incurred in development.
Their early creation is now a museum piece - literally - reflecting the software principles and programming culture of its era.
She was the only other survivor among Jahar's early creations.
Political centralization under the Tudor monarchs enabled the early creation of a unified national state.
The earliest possible creation date is usually taken to be the year 1190.
His early creations focused on the execution of fine cabinetry using only non-powered hand tools.