They could benefit from early care, according to health experts.
Overall, a study documented a return to society of more than $16 for every tax dollar invested in the early care and education program.
Animal studies reveal that the influence of early maternal care also affects genetic expression.
His initial research focused on the relationship between early maternal care and stress response in rat pups.
This is a major advantage in allowing women to seek the earliest prenatal care possible.
When workers migrate, their early care and education generally benefit the country where they move to work.
Pregnant women who do not receive early care are four times more likely to have a low-birth-weight baby.
"Merely tinkering at the edges of policy on early care and education" is not enough, she says.
It is very important for pregnant teens to have early and adequate prenatal care.
Like early care, students are allowed to do homework assignments and study during this period.