Moreover, he is haunted by an earlier brush with Hollywood success, a success that vanished the moment his first feature film was released.
But his approach also bore the marks of what prompted an earlier brush with city government.
An earlier brush with the law occurred about three years ago, when he lived on the Upper East Side.
And now Harry remembered, too, that earlier brush with the Securitatea in Romania.
Snedeker, who is from Nashville, has greeted his early brush with fame with shrugs of the shoulders and smiles.
The early brush with danger became a pattern.
Knievel's early brushes with the law show that his daredevil side showed itself early, but not always productively.
Her earliest brush with racing was not a happy one.
Each had had brushes with the law, and the two may even have had an earlier brush with each other.
An early brush with Impressionism had left him fascinated with the perception of light and color.