The earliest bill offered $7 million, but this was flatly rejected.
We started with the earliest bill and found fourteen calls to the same number in Baton Rouge.
The agreement, which will cost the city $70 million less than an earlier proposed bill, is virtually assured of legislative approval in Albany.
Mr. Gregg described the earlier bill as "a lawyers' relief act."
Mr. Cuomo objected that the earlier bill did not provide for jail terms.
The council had rejected an earlier bill three times, saying it violated Islamic law.
BP paid $122.3 million in the three earlier bills.
This page opposed earlier bills which would have removed low tariff privileges from all Chinese exports.
Unlike earlier bills, however, it does not specify the penalties, thus giving the President wider discretion to respond.
Mayoral aides estimated that the earlier bill would have cost the city $100 million when it faces a $5 billion deficit.