He had earlier threatened to veto the measure, but let it become law without his signature.
For a moment, memories of a terrible night seven years earlier threatened to return.
The rain that had threatened earlier did not come.
However, it all could have been so different for them after three wickets in seven deliveries had earlier threatened their chances of earning a draw.
President Reagan had earlier threatened to veto the bill if it passed.
These were precisely the destabilization measures which Poindexter had threatened 18 months earlier.
Buckley was an avid critic of Bowles and his life had been threatened earlier.
The park police said Mr. Han was aware that his wife "had earlier threatened to harm herself and their two children."
The rainclouds that had threatened earlier had largely blown away, and now some stars were visible.
Democrats had earlier threatened to slow Senate business by withholding unanimous consent if Republicans followed through with the plan.