After all, Western countries had earlier supported Iraq in the war with Iran, even though it was started by an illegal Iraqi act of aggression.
The President had earlier supported proposed legislation that would have banned all health plans - group or individual - from denying coverage or raising premiums on the basis of genetic information.
The French defeat at Bang Bo on 24 March 1885 shook the nerve of several French politicians who had earlier supported France's war against China.
Ms. Kingsley had supported Senator Bob Kerrey of Nebraska earlier in the campaign and said she had no use for Mr. Clinton.
In mid-1958, the army, which had supported Duvalier earlier, tried to oust him in another coup, but failed.
But it fell one vote short anyway when a House member who had supported the bill earlier lost his key to the electronic voting board.
Mr. Smith had earlier supported retaining the at-large election system, he said, even though "it did make it difficult for a black to be elected, I won't deny that."
It was supported earlier in the day by the voiturette-class I Prix de Berne.
President George H.W. Bush also opposed Roe, though he had supported abortion rights earlier in his career.
Indians came here in 1987 to disarm ethnic Tamil militants whom, it is now widely acknowledged, they had supported earlier in their fight against Colombo.