When you remove a pin from one side, a personal safety alarm shrieks at an ear-splitting volume.
"Bud, maybe we should-" Tom's words broke off as the detector suddenly broke into a raucous, frantic clicking of almost ear-splitting volume!
The waiter yells your order at ear-splitting volume and the coffee - shaken by the resulting seismic disturbance - inevitably arrives erupted into the saucer.
Music was playing over the prison's speaker system at ear-splitting volume to drown out any praying or singing of religious songs.
It is described as having "a pure trumpet note of ear-splitting volume, more than six times the volume of the loudest locomotive whistle."
"This is the Venekan Army," it squawked with ear-splitting volume.
Lyons shouted with ear-splitting volume.
Despite the ear-splitting volume, Noche is friendly, the food enticing rather than challenging.
A four-piece band played in the center, rising to ear-splitting volume as our revolving table passed them and then mercifully faded away.
Except in those movies, the explorers were always inside a steel diving-bell, while he and Jake - The chimes grew to an ear-splitting volume.