The specimens were eagerly received, and returning ships brought increasing orders for exotic materials.
Regarded as the testament of Tycho, the work was eagerly received in seventeenth-century astronomical literature.
After spending two months in Genoa, Henry continued on to Pisa by ship, where he was eagerly received by the inhabitants, who were the traditional enemies of Florence and were Ghibelline.
She planted a second helping, which was eagerly received.
Under this new alliance, Always was eagerly received by more devoted fans worldwide.
At its first commencement ceremony in June 2007, GUST conferred diplomas on approximately four hundred graduates, many of whom were eagerly received by the leading business sectors in the state of Kuwait.
So customers like the Bachs, who are determined to move to Manhattan, are eagerly received.
However, it is not expected that the towers will be eagerly received by a community still arguing about the proposed 60-story Boston Properties development at Columbus Circle.
Only Two New Offerings In fact, in the last year only two new biotechnology stock offerings were made, and both were not eagerly received.
It's hardly surprising that even without his name on the cover Davidar's manuscript was received eagerly by publishers on both sides of the Atlantic.