When he had pronounced the meal fit, they seated themselves and eagerly consumed it.
Rodents, especially mice, eagerly consume the fruits, causing seed production to be low.
Ticket buyers eagerly consumed it all.
However, he eagerly consumed any reading material he could find.
Ralph and William agree that the pair refused all food for several days until they came across some raw beans, which they consumed eagerly.
The company is emblematic of a certain commodification (not to say homogenization) of culture that many thinking people abhor, even as they eagerly consume what they are served.
Movable type enhanced the already widespread use of woodblock methods of printing thousands of documents and volumes of written literature, consumed eagerly by an increasingly literate public.
A chameleon, a green lizard, and a sand skink eagerly consumed the flies, whereas a thrush and a great spotted woodpecker did not.
If you want to attract newts and other wildlife to your garden pond, it's best not to add any fish, as they will eagerly consume the tadpoles.
Through 1777, the reading public eagerly consumed three editions for which Gibbon was rewarded handsomely: two-thirds of the profits amounting to approximately £1,000.