Kevin Pursglove, an eBay spokesman, said the company did not release information about which features were used by members.
Such scams continue, an eBay spokesman, Kevin Pursglove, said.
"It's the middle of the day somewhere," said Hani Durzy, an eBay spokesman.
An eBay spokesman quoted in the article said businesses selling "in the range of $5 million" should be exempt from any collection obligation.
"At that point, we decided we needed to act," said Mr. Donlay, the eBay spokesman.
"We are by nature a very egalitarian company," said Hani Durzy, an eBay spokesman.
"Trading is pretty diversified, so we don't expect a noticeable impact," said Chris Donlay, an eBay spokesman.
Mr. Durzy, the eBay spokesman, would not comment on the motivations behind 1-cent sales.
Kevin Pursglove, an eBay spokesman, said eBay is aware of the complaints.
Chris Donlay, an eBay spokesman, said the company already had a dispute settlement service that "our sellers are pretty happy with."