Instead, you're in the final few minutes of bidding in an eBay auction.
If you still think eBay auctions run completely on luck, it's time to wise up to the world of e-sniping.
Being blocked from an eBay auction for four hours may be only a nuisance.
In 2003, the band auctioned off a live show to the winner of an eBay auction.
As of 2007 it has reached a value often over $200 on eBay auctions.
If the eBay auction does not produce a buyer, there are other strategies.
Don't go thinking that you can now spend your entire day bidding on eBay auctions, however.
But who wants to put up with the annoyances of holding an eBay auction?
The eBay auction offered an incomplete version of the game (cart only).
The eBay auction is the first to offer one for sale.