Dogs are typically more than 11 years old when owners first detect clinical signs of cognitive dysfunction syndrome.
Clomipramine has also been used experimentally to treat dogs with severe anxiety disorders (separation anxiety, etc.), OCD, or cognitive dysfunction syndrome.
Clomipramine has been used for cognitive dysfunction syndrome to alleviate anxiety associated with the disease; however it is not believed to manage the underlying cause of the problem.
To the Editor: Re "Placebos Fail the Test": The article highlights the widespread misconceptions about chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome.
As a printed, on-screen explanation reveals at the film's end, after Diana's death her illness was diagnosed as chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome.
The relationship of bruxism with temporomandibular joint dysfunction (TMD, or temporomandibular pain dysfunction syndrome) is debated.
The CFIDS Association of America works to build support for people suffering from chronic fatigue and immune dysfunction syndrome (also known as chronic fatigue syndrome).
Marbach, J.J., Temporomandibular pain and dysfunction syndrome: is there evidence for a psychological etiology?
Sepsis can lead to multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) (formerly known as multiple organ failure), and death.
Maintenance of splanchnic blood flow is important because splanchnic hypoperfusion may play a critical role in the pathogenesis of multiorgan dysfunction syndrome [ 2 3 ] .