The marriage had been one of convenience, meant to do nothing more than maintain the dynastic rule.
During the Mysore invasion of Kerala the dynastic rule came to an end.
But his success gave the dynastic rule of the Palas a second lease on life.
The dynastic rule of the Chogyals lasted for 333 years.
India: dynastic rule or the democratisation of power?
But dynastic rule at the top, while spawning corruption, has never stunted the development of a vibrant political culture.
It was such distractions, our guide informed us, that led to China's weakness and the eventual end of dynastic rule.
They never achieved any form of national unity beyond short, dynastic rules at the height of the Greek classical period.
The Conservatives, whose dynastic 42-year rule of Ontario Government ended in 1985, ran a poor third.
"First we had Old China," he said, meaning the 4,000 or so years of dynastic rule that preceded Communism.