However, Bragning is often, like some others of these dynastic names, used in poetry as a general word for 'king' or 'ruler'.
The name Alexander, is a dynastic name in the Emesani dynasty.
She signed it with her dynastic name, and then with the signature he had so often seen: "Patience."
So according to him, Sungas took their dynastic name from the fig tree.
Apart from the dynastic name and perhaps a belief in common ancestry, there is little in known sources to connect them.
Philip the Tetrarch, "unlike his brothers, did not use Herod as a dynastic name".
They took their dynastic name from Lethuc, the first known Lombard king.
In the spelling of personal and dynastic names, I have made use of the following convention.
When the town needed a library, it turned not to government but to citizens with dynastic names like Forbes and Merck.
The Vahana ending dynastic (and personal) names were quite popular during the few centuries preceding.