The dynastic change from the Goryeo to the Joseon was a relatively peaceful one.
The plot concerns the events surrounding the reign of the only female leader in Islandian history, and the dynastic change that ensued from this.
The difference in surnames may signify dynastic change from the Go family to the Hae family.
Significantly, Parliament's involvement in making religious and dynastic changes had been firmly established.
While all of these events were taking place, to the north, China was enduring some dynastic changes.
During all this period of dynastic changes, Angul played no remarkable role in history and this territory simply passed from one political authority to the other.
In traditional Chinese thought, natural disasters are seen as a precursor of dynastic change.
In the 1650s, Burma became entangled in the dynastic changes in China.
Like most dynastic changes, the end of the Sui Dynasty was a time of upheaval and contention for the throne.
A sudden dynastic change' is the term I have employed.'