Both subfields are primarily concerned with Electronic structure and the dynamical processes by which these arrangements change.
However, the system can also describe dynamical processes of non-chemical nature.
This leads physicists to believe that any consistent quantum theory of gravity should include topology change as a dynamical process.
Instead, they needed high temperatures to form, as well as complex and as yet little understood dynamical processes to end up where comets actually formed.
No known dynamical process can explain this undercount of observed comets.
Since transition occurs in the separated region, the dynamical processes are more related to those of Section 18.4.
What happens when it is far above that value is known primarily from experimental work, although the dynamical processes involved can be interpreted.
This approach is still often adopted, as the analysis may provide insight into the significant dynamical processes.
He is best known for his research on dynamical processes in cosmology and galaxy formation/galaxy evolution.
Changes in the South polar atmosphere are linked to dynamical processes that control the transport of mass, heat, and moisture from lower latitudes.