Half of his teased hair was dyed yellow, and he looked like a dead branch soaked in oil.
Then the egg was dyed yellow, and more wax applied, and then orange, red, purple, black.
Smoked haddock naturally has an off-white color; it is very often dyed yellow, as are other smoked fish.
It was homespun, dyed yellow with root dyes.
They flayed the bodies and put on the skins, which were dyed yellow and called teocuitlaquemitl ("golden clothes").
The strips are naturally white but sometimes they are dyed yellow or red.
The whole plant is intensely bitter, and is sometimes used as a tonic, and also in dyeing yellow.
A tall dead pine to the right, its bark stripped away, was draped with a huge cloth dyed bright yellow and blue.
Her skin was painted pink, and her hair dyed yellow.
It looked like a cross between moss and wool, dyed flagrant yellow.