The dwarf leaped up and rushed to the southern end of the bluff.
The dwarf let out a roar and a snarl and rushed at the skeletons.
Quickly, trembling lest the chance should fade, the dwarves rushed to the rock and pushed - in vain.
The dwarf rushed up the prone giant's back, quick-stepping to hold his balance as the creature tried to roll him off.
With no escape, the gray dwarf rushed back at him wildly, his shield leading and his sword above his head.
A dwarf rushed in, then, and handed Bruenor twenty different scrolls of possible layouts for the great dining hall.
A moment passed, and then a dwarf rushed into the room and bowed toward the clanmeet from within the mirror.
The dwarves rushed out of their great gate; but there was the dragon waiting for them.
But before he had time to enjoy it, the dwarf leaped to his feet and, with a vicious snarl, rushed at the kender.
The dwarf let out a piercing, effeminate shriek, and rushed at Charlie yet again.