Large quantities of crin vegetal (vegetable horse-hair), an excellent fibre, are made from the leaves of the dwarf palm.
The dismal melancholy of deserts prevails over this arid land, whose cracked surface can barely nourish a few shriveled mimosas, cacti, and dwarf palms.
The dwarf palm, Acacia Rupestris (kher), and Tecomella undulata (lohirro) trees are typical of the western hill region.
Jerry shifted his position on the wall and looked down at the little man standing among the flowering ferns and dwarf palms, tugging at his goatee.
Here and there was a thick clump of "grass trees," tall bushes ten feet high, like the dwarf palm, quite lost in their crown of long narrow leaves.
It tends to be found in rocky habitats in arid regions particularly in association with dwarf palms (Nannorrhops ritchieana).
This fern is rarely terrestrial in habitat, usually colonizing the canopies of tropical rainforests and the dwarf palms of subtropical forests.
Potted palms, deep green sword plants, and dwarf palms were scattered about.
He ran through dwarf palms down to a tiny artificial stream that originated in a fountain.
The dwarf palm with fan-like leaves, growing about two feet high, formed the staple of the verdure.