The dwarves are mortal like Men, but live much longer, usually several hundred years.
"For John the Dwarf has become an angel, and no longer lives among men."
Every dwarf lives better than a king in the Halls of the Ancestors.
Here was Karthay, that isle where the dark dwarf lived.
Giants, dwarves, and wild men once lived around the Karersee.
That in itself was unusual, for the dwarf lived to fight as other folk lived to eat or sleep.
Haplo told me that once long ago dwarves like us lived all their lives underground, in dark places.
Dwarves lived there, and he had spent tense moments in a confrontation with the mountain dwellers.
Most dwarves lived yonder, as they presumably still did.
The second is the Plain of Light, where puppets, angels, and dwarves live.