THE brown and white dwarf goats, perhaps two feet high at the withers, have beards and little cocoa dewlaps of fur dangling below their chins.
Tamer animals like dwarf goats and baboons can be petted by people of all ages at the special petting zoo portion of the attraction.
Nigerian dwarf goats' small size also makes them excellent "visitor" animals for nursing homes and hospitals.
Some goat supply houses even sell small harnesses and tiny wagons that fit Nigerian dwarf goats.
Children may enter the Petting Zoo and feed and interact with dwarf goats and doll sheep.
Traditionally, the name kata was given to stomatitis and pneumoenteritis of the Nigerian dwarf goat.
It's the best chance you will ever have of seeing a hairy-footed chicken or a Nigerian dwarf goat.
What can a rare dwarf goat do for a troubled child?
Renowned for animal-assisted therapy, Green Chimneys maintains a farm with ponies, Cotswold sheep, Highland cows, Nigerian dwarf goats, rabbits and chickens.