They stand behind him like dutiful soldiers.
Ralph was a dutiful soldier, the star student of Grabera Academy and the youngest person ever to pilot a Gloire Strain.
Like four rows of dutiful soldiers, they stood guard over the Cherry Esplanade for more than eight decades.
And by hopping without pause on the Romney bandwagon, he hastened his journey back from party outlier to dutiful soldier.
They are phlegmatic but dutiful and competent soldiers who serve the leader but let him shine undimmed.
I will make of him an honorably dutiful soldier for Quar.
Still, as the saves and impressive outings line up like dutiful soldiers in his long march toward the majors, Vasquez is wise enough to know there's work to be done.
I'm not your dutiful little soldier and that makes you crazy.
Phillips was "a dutiful soldier" said Roland, who is now the running backs coach for Arizona.
The Fairy Queen cheerfully agrees and, to save her life, the dutiful soldier, Private Willis, agrees to marry her.