The creature stepped clear of the dust haze.
He flashed a hand signal to a Sardaukar officer leaping through the dust haze.
They came up through a long, rumpled valley in which dust haze settled like a dull gray blanket.
Across the hills the sun was low and yellow in the dust haze.
The faint luminosity of starlight was blurred by a dust haze.
Out in the chilly night air, he pulled his cloak tightly around him as a defense against wind-stirred dust haze.
Small objects tumbled about and a dust haze rose, to be sucked rapidly away by the fans.
Back through the dust haze, he could make out a pair of blue headlights in the near distance.
"And to punch through the dust haze we've got even up here."
The rim glowed orange through a thin dust haze underlighted by the late afternoon sun.