I could plainly see the dust buildup on the shiny surface.
Dark brake dust buildup turns shiny rims shabby - some say it also wreaks havoc on their finish.
The dust buildup will be greater at the end, but we'll get there faster, and not by the normal route.
Leather used in book binding has many of the same preservation needs: protection from high temperatures, high relative humidity, low relative humidity, fluctuations in relative humidity, light exposure, dust buildup, pollution, mold, and bug infestation.
The thin layer of PEDOT:PSS is virtually transparent and colorless, prevents electrostatic discharges during film rewinding, and reduces dust buildup on the negatives after processing.
The design of this ductwork requires an understanding of the interaction of heat softening of metals, potential effects of dust buildup in large ductwork, and structural design principles.
Sloping ductwork at or above the duct dust angle of repose will minimize dust buildup.
Ms. Parnigoni said that to prevent a dust buildup she planned to clean the statue with a hand-held vacuum cleaner every six weeks.
The excess dust buildup is then cleaned from the bags and removed from the collector.