Dust mite allergens are thought to be among the heaviest dust allergens.
Some smaller particles found within a house include viruses, bacteria, some mold spores, a significant fraction of cat and dog allergens, and a small portion of dust mite allergens.
Bedding can be a dangerous source of dust mite allergens.
Some 44 million homes, or more than 45 percent of the nation's housing stock, have bedding with dust mite allergen in high enough quantities to develop allergies, according to the study released last spring.
It provides minimal protection against liquids and little or no protection from dust mite allergens.
"We conclude that the trials of current chemical and physical methods aimed at reducing exposure to house dust mite allergens failed to find an effect."
Enzyme activity and stability Enzymatic activity has been implicated as a source of the allergenic property of Der p1, the major dust mite allergen [ 30 31 32 ] .
In terms of how much dust mite allergen got into the nose, the new vacuums were no better than the old one.
Gore and colleagues deduce that all the vacuums stirred up dust mite allergens from the carpet.
Cleaning beds with most vacuum cleaners will not remove dust mite allergens, but instead throw them into the air and increase their volatility.